About the wedding
Russ and Marianne met at the University of Central England in Birmingham UK, some time back in the day. Now, several years later after moving to Norway and starting a family, they are getting married.
The wedding will take place in Fredrikstad (venue) on the 14th August 2010, and may be combined with the Christening of our daughter Alexa. (Details to follow)
The wedding will be followed by a reception at the Freemasons hall in the old town, thanks to Marianne’s grandfather being a member.
Invites will be going out towards the end of February/early March. Unfortunately we will have limited capacity, so the wedding is invite only. If you are reading this, then there is a good chance you have been invited, if not, sorry!
Om Bryllupet
Russ og Marianne møttes ved University of Central England i Birmingham UK, en gang tilbake i tiden. Nå, flere år senere etter å ha flyttet til Norge og starte en familie, skal de gifte seg.
Bryllupet skal holdes i Fredrikstad (venue) på 14 august 2010, og kan kombineres med dåp av deres datter Alexa. (Detaljer følge)
Bryllupet vil bli etterfulgt av et selskap i den gamle bydelen.
Håper å se deg!